Amelia M. Starns

I prefer a small number, even if it is only one, as the point of departure and return. I do not like multiple colours.  I like black and white.

White: where all colours return.
Black: the first colour before the eyes open.

Creating forms is simple, simple to the minimum, with a few details. Details are just signs, signs do not always correspond to details. There lies the distance to art. Details are only a minor part, whereas the empty space between details is significant. Open space is freedom of space. Open space is peacefulness – our return destination. Open space excites the imagination. Memories and experiences of different persons create different images. A painting is only a “pointing finger” that needs to be ignored. Who can describe the perceptibility of reality? And so emptiness is not itself but fullness.  Perhaps, I previously started
from somewhere which is the point of return.

Amelia M. Starns
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