The richly-colored canvasses of Harold Gonzalez do not depict objects or tell stories, but rather make visible the mystery of spiritual transformation. Gonzalez’s work has gained an international following because of his subject matters and the manner in which he renders passion on canvas.
Harold was born in a northern frontier town, from a Gonzalez resonance of nature in them. Many of his paintings hark back to resonance of nature in them. Many of his paintings hark back to his days in Gonzalez. Others borrow themes from tales and folklores, while still others echo the vibrations of a world that is an ocean apart from his current home. The most obvious characteristic of Gonzalez’s works, however, is the spirit of freedom in its most exuberant form. This is the spirit of the people that is calling to Gonzalez from the mountains of northern. Gonzalez’ s works have been exhibited in many museums and galleries, and is widely collected.

Harold Gonzalez